My five StrengthsQuest themes appeared in the following order: developer, ideation, adaptability, maximizer, and positivity. I would like to elaborate on two traits that I most closely identify with, and hope others see in me: developer and positivity. A developer can use the strengths and potential of others to achieve a common goal. Positivity exhibits enthusiasm and encouragement for others to become excited about a project. These traits work together by helping people strive to be their best selves and function as my strengths in leadership.

             In positivity, instead of dwelling on the problem or what is wrong with a circumstance, I like to focus on what can be done and why it is never as bad as it seems. In my own experience, encouragement keeps people motivated to persist. It is important to celebrate smaller achievements to work towards bigger ones. I want others to know that if they are struggling, or simply need to vent frustration, I am willing to support and listen to them. I expect others to recognize that being positive does not mean being happy all the time, but having the initiative to move forward from troubling times and inspiring others to do the same.

             I choose to build on existing relationships and develop bonds between people. Being a developer means helping others to realize their own potential, despite any shortcomings they may see in themselves.  Effective teams have people who understand how to utilize their respective strengths. As a leader, I help others find where their strengths lie, where they are needed, and encourage them to flourish in that role.