My name is Allison Aguilera, and I’m from Covington, Georgia. I’m Mexican American, bilingual, and lived in Mexico for a year when I was little. I have grown up loving art and drawing- both digital and traditional. Ever since I was 13, I wanted to go into animation and work at Pixar Animation Studios. Animation works as an immersive form of storytelling that incorporates teamwork and creativity to engage and entertain, and I want to be part of that fantastic process. I plan on studying animation or studio art at the very least because of how essential it is to me. I aspire to inspire and educate others with my art.

              Alongside art, I have become increasingly interested in both environmental science and psychology. I love learning about the impact we have on the planet and the ecosystems we are still discovering. I also find the functions and structures of the human mind and knowing what makes people ‘tick’ fascinating. I believe it is through understanding others and our surroundings and supporting those in need that we may grow as a community.

             Communication through actions instead of words is something I have grown to love. When I was 10, and up until moving to Agnes Scott, I played the cello. At 15, I taught myself the ukulele. In December of 2018, I developed an interest in learning American Sign Language and have learned basic conversational signs as well as a plethora of words that will probably never come up naturally in an interaction, but they have given me a better understanding of ASL as a language and culture. All of these hobbies were engaging (and frankly, a lot of fun) for me to pick up on, but what I love is that I can share them with others.

Credit: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash